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The world of internet commerce has created more opportunities for affiliate marketers than any other program ever has – the opportunity to have an entire ecommerce online storefront, full of products you can make commissions off of, all based in whatever niche you choose!

I remember manually building affiliate websites taking links and pictures and building the page for every category..I hear you cry ‘fool’ but this was quite a few years ago. Of course now many merchants supply updating feeds, but even then you will have quite a job building a store and outsourcing such a task would take a lot of cash!

Building Your Own eCommerce Online Store

Data feeds are similar to the RSS feeds used by blogs – an ecommerce store set up by a traditional offline business will place descriptions, pictures, and prices of their products into these feeds, and then affiliate marketers can incorporate these feeds into their own ecommerce store and make a commission off of each product sold.

Well I came across Datafeedr which streams ecommerce feeds into your wordpress blog in any niche you choose from merchants such as commission junction, clickbank, shareasale and linkshare.

If you’re looking for the easiest way possible to build multiple affiliate stores in any niche market then I urge you to have a look at this:

>> WordPress affiliate ecommerce feeds

Jerry Holliday