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I’ve talked about the importance of developing networks and relationships before, especially in the Internet business where we spend so much time in front of the screen!

Attending seminars is, of course, the way to go for meeting other Internet entrepeneurs, potential future business partners as well as getting the low-down from marketers who are pulling in vast sums to their business.

I attended the Britpack event last year, which was my first , and met some great contacts whom I still work with today. I can’t emphasis the importance of actually meeting your contacts as opposed to through the internet ‘cloud’

This year, the Focus Marketing Seminar rolls into the UK on October 17th-19th 2008.

Confirmed so far:

Armand Morin: How to generate a $35 Million dollar business starting from scratch online! (Armand used to sell vacuum cleaners door to door)

Alan Forrest Smith: How to take a failed webpage then re-launch the page as a million dollar best seller!

Adam Ginsberg: Number 1. EBay seller with over $20 MILLION in sales over just 3 years!

Sean Roach: Web 3.0 technology and SEO Latest from the Corporate trenches!

Tim Brocklehurst has enthralled audiences worldwide with his step-by-step approach to setting up automatic businesses on the Internet. He is now known as the ‘James Bond’ of Internet Marketing.

Debra Thompson: Building Residual Income into your Business So You Get Paid Over and Over Again – AUTOMATICALLY!

The event takes place at the Radisson Hotel at Heathrow, London.

Book the event here and start opening the doors for Internet Success. Focus Marketing Seminar

Jerry Holliday