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Google Knol is described as a unit of knowledge – an authoritative article about a specific topic
and initially reeks of opportunity what with the ranking reports.

As Google roll out their wikipedia meets Squidoo mash-up there is concern that Google are
favoring their own Knol content over authority work. There is also ‘no follow’ which means
you get no credit or value for your outbound links.

Another issue is knoljacking – someone could post your content to Knol, get a couple of inbound links
and beat your ranking even if your site is an authority site.

Aaron Wall of SEOBook writes that he put the same article from the ‘authoritive’ and placed it in a knol to find it ranked higher.

All this seems to be leading to a worrying trend in my opinion.

Still, let’s look at the positives – if they rank well – might as well use ’em.

Linking to your websites and blogs will drive traffic and act as another back door
in the satellite game of Google love, even if the links are ‘no follow’.

Comprehensive information with several paragraphs and subheaders- using keywords in the title.

Let me know your comments on Google Knols!

Jerry Holliday